West Wyalong High School

Active Learning | Inspired Teaching

Telephone02 6972 2700


Year Advisor Role

Role of the Year Advisor - WWHS

The main objective of the Year Advisor is to look after the wellbeing of all students in the year group. There will be times in every student's school life where they will need extra support to cope with the stresses that arise both in and out of school.


The Year Advisor can be accessed during school time to help with the following:


  • Provide a point of contact for parents with questions or concerns regarding their child.
  • Be contacted to organise work for students if they are away for substantial periods of time.
  • Be asked to provide progress reports on students or organise meetings with staff in certain circumstances.


The Year Advisor has regular contact with students:

  • At fortnightly year meetings.
  • At fortnightly Leadership meetings.
  • During general catch ups in the playground during lunch times.
  • At weekly assemblies.
  • During class time (for some).
  • When organising special events that involve the year group.
  • During excursions.


To allow staff to provide the best care and management of students it is often useful to know what is going on in their life outside of the school walls. If you consider that an event, or ongoing issues, may impact upon your child while at school, it would be beneficial to contact the Year Advisor so that they can raise the issue at the regular welfare meetings.


The welfare meetings, that involve Year Advisors of all year groups, allow the Principal, Deputy and Head Teachers to be made aware of any issues and how they may impact on the individuals. In turn, they inform the relevant staff who interact with them regularly and they can adjust their management strategies as required.


Issues that are commonly identified and assessed include:

  • Injury requiring time off or modified activities/movement around the school.
  • Medical conditions that may impact on students learning or general wellbeing.
  • Death/serious illness in the family or close friends.
  • Sudden, unexplained changes in behaviour.
  • Family holidays that may impact on assessment tasks or certain aspects of schooling.
  • Issues that develop with peers.


Our Year Advisors for 2024:

Year 7: Ms Deb Kee

Year 8: Mrs Kate Maslin

Year 9: Mrs Belinda Duncan

Year 10: Mrs Chloe Clarke

Year 11: Ms Elysia Pell

Year 12: Mr Daniel Hague